Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Neon News 2015-08-31 the Swan and The Tennessee

Hey Fanz!

I'm going camping! I do it every year. But this year I'll be in a cabin instead of a tent. Is it still camping?

But hey, what about Friday at Kramer's?

Don't worry, you can still start the weekend at Kramer's, 4:00-7:00 pm. My friend Sam Sundar-Singh will be filling in for me on Friday, September 4.

Sam is a wonderful musician and a great guy, and runs his own jams around town.

Sam will also be filling in for me on Friday, September 18, when my cousin's daughter is getting married in Port Dover.

But I will be at Kramer's as usual on Friday, September 11, as well as Friday, September 25.

And here's a couple of exciting new gigs:


Saturday, September 12, 9:30 pm-12:30 am
Wayne Neon and The Tubular Orchestra
The Black Swan Tavern
154 Danforth Avenue (east of Broadview)

I'll be presenting an evening of music with my own band, and featuring guest sets from friends, including this one:

Chihiro is a Pop-Classical music composer, originally from Kumamoto, Japan, with a flair for great pop melodies that is matched with an exceptional piano performance and a warm, rich, lush, contralto singing voice.


Wednesday, September 23, 9:00 pm-1:00 am
Wayne Neon and The Tubular Orchestra
The Tennessee (formerly Mitzi's Sister)
1554 Queen Street West (west of Lansdowne)

More band, more guest artists!


And of course, as usual on the third Sunday of the month . . .

Sunday, September 20, 8:00-11:00 pm
Gordon's Acoustic Living Room
The Free Times Café
320 College Street (just west of Spadina)


See ya soon!


P.S. Like my page on Facebook:


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