Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Neon News 140930 Rambunctious now and later

Hey Fanz!

I'm making lots of music in October!

Wednesday, October 1, 8 pm - midnight
Eva Moon artMUSIC with Rambunctious
Graffiti's Bar and Grill
170 Baldwin Street (west of Spadina)
Thursday, October 2, 8-10 pm
Wayne Neon and friends
Kramer's Bar and Grill
1915 Yonge Street (right at Davisville subway)

Sunday, October 5, 7:30 pm
Brian Jantzi and the Lost Mariachis
Toronto Songwriters Showcase
Flying Beaver Pubaret
488 Parliament Street (just north of Carlton)

Friday, October 10, 7:30 pm
Three for Five
Flying Beaver Pubaret

488 Parliament Street (just north of Carlton)

Friday, October 17, 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Brian Jantzi and the Lost Mariachis
The Central
603 Markham Street (south of Bloor)

Sunday, October 19, 8-11 pm
Gordon's Acoustic Living Room
The Free Times Café
320 College Street (just west of Spadina)

Saturday, October 25, 3 pm
Toronto Zombie Walk and Hallowe'en Parade

Nathan Phillips Square

See you there!

